3 Nephi 5:13

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." - 3 Nephi 5:13

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Week 10

I've started a new transfer and sadly I was pretty sick the first couple of days. I started to feel sick on Sunday night and then Monday Soeur Larsen had me take Benodryl and I went to bed at 6:30 that night and didn't wake up until 8:30 the next morning and then I did the same thing happened on Tuesday. I caught that nasty cold that has been spreading around the mission and Soeur Larsen had it only a week before me. On Wednesday I thought I was doing better, but then on Thursday I had a horrible cough and then Friday morning I woke up and couldn't talk because I had lost my voice. It's weird how your throat feels, because I could tell my voice was gone before I had even tried talking. Today I'm feeling much better, because we went to the pharmacy and got some cough syrup that works miracles so hopefully I will be on the up hill from here on out.
As for the few high lights this week one of our ward members Nathalie who is awesome and is always trying to find people for us to teach introduced us to her friend, Aurore, this last Sunday when she had us over for lunch. We taught Aurore the first and will hopefully be teaching her again tomorrow or sometime this next week. Oh and Aurore also came to our ward Easter activity on Monday and lots of members went up and talked with her! On Monday I prayed that Heavenly Father would give us an experience or opportunity to help someone since I had to go to bed after our ward activity. On our way back to our apartment a woman was walking in front of us carrying her groceries and looked like she was about to topple over since they were so heavy. I ran up to her and asked if I could help, and she responded, "Bien sur! Vous êtes très gentillesse" (of course, you're so kind). As I helped her carry her bag back to her apartment she looked at me and Soeur Larsen and said, "You're Mormon aren't you?" We said yes and told her we were missionaries. She got curious and excited as she asked what we do. She told us she has a Mormon friend at work who is such a kind and good person. When we got to her building she pointed to her name on her mail box and said, "I'm Madam Nicholas, if you would like you can come over some time and we can talk and have something to eat or drink." She said she would like to discuss more and then said, "I'm Catholic, but that doesn't matter," and then laughed. She was so nice and I'm so glad that in asking for help from Heavenly Father I followed up on the opportunity he gave me. We're going to try and see her this week and hopefully it all goes well.
We got another baptismal date today! Brigitte whom I think I told you about, she was very excited, so we started to fill out her baptismal calendar today and she is set right now for the 4th of June.
I love my new and old companions Soeur Woodruff and Soeur Murray! They are wonderful and fun and love mission work! All of the sisters I have met in this mission are just amazing! We have some exciting goals and plans ahead of us! All of our amis love them too and have bonded quickly! I love being part of the Lord's work and gathering his lost sheep, but I know I can't do it without him. A scripture that I put on my planner for this transfer was John 15:4-5
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
I hope to bring forth much fruit with him.


Soeur Valerie Reeves

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