3 Nephi 5:13

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." - 3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 15 - transfers

Bonjour en retard,

Sorry none of the myldsmail accounts were working on Saturday so we are sending quick emails today.  Some news for you... transfers are on Wednesday and I'm going to Nogent with Soeur De Santis!!!  She is Italian and speaks hardly any English but very good French so I'm excited to see how my French speaking ability is going to change this next transfer; we will probably be speaking in French about 24/7.
Last week was an amazing week of miracles!  At the beginning of the week the assistants called and said that a lady, who they didn't know, called and said she wanted to meet with the missionaries as soon as possible.  They passed her to us and already had a Rendez-vous set up for Thursday morning, so we called her on Tuesday and she said she wouldn't be able to meet with us on Thursday and we asked when she was available and she was actually home right then and we had no planned lessons so I said we can come right now if you want.  She said yes so we left the apartment and jumped on the train.  Her name is Rayna and she is from Cuba (we later found out that she and her family met with the missionaries 2 years ago and even had set baptismal dates, but when they were taught the law of tithing the had some concerns and quit meeting with the missionaries - kind of reminded us of Julia and Rui - the missionaries have not contacted them since.  Now 2 years later she calls them on her own).  We met with her and she said that she's been attending a few different churches that are closer to her but none of them have the same peace she finds in our church.  She's been going through a rough time and feels lonely and she said she knows we have what she needs and that's why she called us.  We did an overview of the principles that make up Christ's church; we make a pyramid with cups and they each have pictures on them.  When we completed the pyramid she pointed to the two with baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost and said, "That's what I'm missing."  We promised her that she can have that in her life, we're going to hopefully commit her to baptism tomorrow.  She came to church with us and loved it!  Our relief society president speaks Spanish so it was perfect and she even remembered Rayna from two years ago so they sat together in Sunday school.  What's also awesome is that Soeur Moraga speaks Spanish; it's not an accident that she came her to Versailles at this time.  I'm very excited for the work in Versailles we got 4 new awesome amis last week and one more today so Soeur Woodruff and I are leaving it on an uphill fire and not a downward slope (if that even makes sense) and I'll hopefully be able to come back for Michelle's baptism.  She went to Spain this weekend and went to church with her friend and fasted for the first time!  We taught Ann and Benjamin last week (old amis that we found from the area book) and Soeur Woodruff and Soeur Murray taught them again today and they committed to pray about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon!  They said it was a very powerful lesson which I'm so grateful for because last week they didn't understand the importance of the Book of Mormon or an organized religion, but now they do.  It's neat to watch miracles happen and see the fruit of your labors, because for awhile I felt like I wasn't having much success and here right before I leave things have started to bloom and it's going to keep happening.  President Staheli taught a true principle in training that the Lord is bound when we do what he says. 
I love you all!
Good luck Ryan! I can't believe you're going into the MTC in two days!  You will love it!


Soeur Valerie Reeves

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