3 Nephi 5:13

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." - 3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, January 16, 2012

week 47 - For every Dianne there's a Shazi!

The most amazing miracle happened yesterday!!!! Where do I start? Well, first things first I forgot to say Happy Birthday to Braden the other week and Happy Birthday to Megan today as well! That's exciting that you're getting baptized, you'll have to send pictures!
Last week was a good week, there were some up and down days, but that's okay, because there's opposition in all things, and if we hadn't had our awful day on Friday (the 13th, not to add) we wouldn't have been as grateful for our miracle yesterday. On Friday we went to stop by Dianne and she was finally there, but her reaction was not what we expected. When she opened the door she said, "Ce n'est pas la peine." - "It's not worth it." She had gotten on to the internet and looked at all sorts of anti-mormon stuff, and she was not very kind to us with the things she said about the church. We were devestated and she saw it. Before we left she told us to not be sad. We asked her too if she had read any of the Book of Mormon and/or prayed about it. She hadn't. That's what made me more sad, because she herself talked about how it is through the Holy Ghost that we can know the truth of all things. Rather than turning toward God to know, she leaned on the arm of flesh. After we left we knew that we shouldn't let ourselves get discouraged, but we couldn't help but cry when we got in the car. We felt like Nephi, Alma, and the the sons of Mosiah.
On Saturday we tried to keep ourselves motivated by studying comforting scriptures and trying to remember that not all people in France are like Dianne. We had received a referral from the Lyon mission and passed by. His name is Atef and he's very interested, so we fixed a RDV for the next week (because we couldn't go in without another woman). We then had a RDV with some former investigators. We made our purpose clear, as to why we were there, because they have been taught so much in the past and never progressed. After talking with them we realized that the dad, Joseph, does not recognize that there is only one true church, so we told them we would come back next time and teach them about the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. His son Kevin was very interested and wants to read from the Book of Mormon! We then had a RDV at the Kokesha's house who had invited their friend, Ange, but when we arrived Ange wasn't there. However about 15 minutes later another friend Adrien walked in. We introduced ourselves and he started asking all sorts of questions. We ended up giving him a Book of Mormon and have a set RDV with him for next week! So Saturday was awesome and we felt so much better and we realized that no effort is in vain. Our job is to raise a warning voice, and then people have their choice to accept our message or not.
Now comes the good part! Yesterday we were at church in St. Dié and afterwards received a text from a member in Colmar saying to call as soon as possible. We called him and he said that a man had come to church for all 3 hours and wanted to meet with us and that he was expecting a call from us. His name is Shazi and he is from Pakistan! Uncle Dave and Aunt Vickie are going to be excited. He has been living here in France for 4 months as a political refugee. He said that he started going to a church in Mulhouse (where he lived before), but no one invited him for Christmas or the New Year and he felt very lonely, so he called his cousin, who is a member of the church and who lives in Virginia. His cousin told him that he should come to our church and he gave him the information, so Shazi showed up at church yesterday! He speaks English fairly well, but hardly any French so different members took turns translating for him. We asked him how he liked church and he loved it because he said everyone was so nice and he loved that everyone participates. He said all growing up it was only the priest who would speak and he always had questions, but he nevery got to ask them and he loved that yesterday he got to ask questions as well as give answers. We asked him when he wanted to meet and he said that night so we came back to Colmar right away and taught him the first lesson and he wants to get baptised!!!! It was amazing!!!! We feel so blessed that the Lord is allowing us to teach Shazi! He is excited to read the Book of Mormon and he is anxious to hear more about Joseph Smith.

I love the Lord and I know that he has prepared people and we are seeing the fruits of our labors.

Bisous, Soeur Reeves

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