3 Nephi 5:13

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." - 3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, January 23, 2012

week 48

Shazi's getting baptized!!! I have never taught someone who has progressed so quickly! He reads the Bible every morning and then the Book of Mormon at night, and if he doesn't understand something he reads it over and over again until he does. At our lessons he always gives us a summary of everything he has read, he knows the Book of Mormon better than I do! He told us he talked with his cousin and he said the same thing. Last night we asked him if he had prayed to ask if The Book of Mormon is true and if Joseph Smith was a prophet. He said, "Yes." So we asked if he received an answer/believes that it's true. He said, "How can it not be? There are only good things that come out of this book, and no greedy man would have written it." He said he doesn't understand why other churches do not use the Book of Mormon :) He then said that one day he will be up on the pulpit preaching from the Book of Mormon! He loves the Branch and said he feels like they're his family (we only met him a week ago!) He already wants to help out in cleaning the church. He is such a sweet, humble man who has gone through more trials that anyone I know. I feel so privileged to know and teach him. I know Soeur Creager and I knew him before this life and promised to teach him here on the earth. He told us he feels like God hasn't been answering his prayers and he doesn't understand why he keeps having one trial after the other. Soeur Creager pointed out that if he hadn't had the trial he had he would not be here in France and he would not have found the church. He agreed and said that he has been able to focus and give so much time to God since being here. We promised him that God does answer our prayers. Right now he is having a trial of his faith, but we know that the Lord has so much potential for him.
The rest of the week went so well! We found 3 new amis and then on Saturday night we prayed that the Lord would have at least 3 amis come to church. By the time we had sacrament meeting there were 3 amis there! As well as 3 in-active members! It was wonderful!

Sorry I don't have any more time. Love you all!

Bisous, Soeur Reeves

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