3 Nephi 5:13

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." - 3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, February 13, 2012

week 51 - Last week in "Cold"-mar (as Soeur Creager calls it)

Oui, c'est vrai... It's my last week in Colmar 8-(. (Or it was, I actually only have 2 more days). I have come to love the people here so much! I love the members of this branch and the branch in St. Dié. I love our amis, I love the beautiful country side and the food; but, as mission life goes, it comes to an end and we have to move on. I actually started crying in sacrament meeting yesterday when President Tomadon asked me to speak for a few minutes. I told the members that I didn't even cry when I had to say by to my family. I will always hold a special place in my heart for Colmar. I was pretty positive that I would be transfered. Every time that I have been, I knew before hand, and the same thing happened when I trained. I find it a blessing that I have a feeling because it helps prepare so that I'm not shocked. I think what I have love most about serving here is seeing the progress that we have made since we arrived, as well as the miracles that have come about. We truly had almost nothing to work with when we arrived, but through much prayers and fasting, working with the spirit and the members and using our area book Colmar has because a successful ville. I have grown sooooooo much since serving here.
To top it off... on Saturday Shazi was baptised! It was so wonderful! On Friday night he asked us to pray for him so that he would be prepared and ready the next day for his baptism. He was so happy! After his baptism he told me that he felt a new light in his life and I told him he would feel even more on Sunday when he would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. He bore his testimony after he was baptised and he ended up telling the whole introduction of the Book of Mormon, plus Joseph Smith's testimony by heart! He was up there fort quite awhile, but everyone loved seeing his faith and enthousiasm to share what he has learned. He also shared that two questions he has had his whole life were answered when he met with the missionaries and he bore testimony that he knew this church is true. He then said he is going to go back to Pakistan and help build up the church there.
Oh we love Shazi! He has experienced a true conversion and he has changed so much since we first met him. We're definitely going to ask for his help if we teach people in English, or even French.
I know that we have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ here on earth today and that if people will come unto Christ they can have a change of heart and have faith in him and repent. It is something that each of us need to day daily. I love being a missionary!
Oh, ha, by the way I'm being transferred to Villeneuve d'Ascq. It's in Northern France, right next to Begluim. Soeur Creager served close to there in her last area and says that it's beautiful, but it's a big city, so I'm leaving the country, that's okay though. I'm excited and I know it'll be another great adventure! I'll be serving with Soeur Edgerly, she is an awesome sister missionary! This might be my only transfer with her though, because I'm pretty sure she's going home next transfer.

I love you all! Bisous, Soeur Reeves

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