3 Nephi 5:13

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." - 3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, February 6, 2012

week 50 - power of the priesthood and spirit

Bonjour à tous!

Shazi's getting all ready for his baptism on Saturday! I'm so happy for him and the sooner he has the gift of the Holy Ghost the better, because he needs that feeling of comfort and peace. Gospel wise he's doing great, but as far as personal life he's been having a very hard time. :( He misses his family soooooo much and all he wants to do is help them, but he probably can't get a job for another 6 months. He's been so stresssed that he's been having awful headaches and can't sleep at night. Yesterday however in gospel principles we taught about the priesthood and each of the members in the class bore powerful testimonies of the power of the priesthood and how it has blessed them in their lives. Afterward two of the Tomadon brothers gave Shazi a blessing. Josué who speaks some English sealed the anointing and gave the blessing, it was a very simple prayer as far as words, but it was so powerful. That night we had a RDV just accross the street from Shazi's place, so afterward we called Shazi to say hi and ask how he was doing. We told him to look out his window and he was so excited to see us and he said he was feeling much better. I'm so grateful that we have the priesthood here again upon the earth.
Shazi is such a great missionary! Soeur Creager and I went on exchanges this last week with Luxembourg. Soeur Creager and Soeur Worsham stayed here in Colmar, but they missed their second train that morning and the next one wasn't for 3 more hours! So nothing went as they had planned, but Soeur Creager kept feeling strongly that she needed to call Shazi, even though we didn't have a RDV set up with him. She called him and then asked if his friend from Pakistan was home (the one he had invited to church). She was, so Soeur Creager and Soeur Worsham went and taught her with Shazi. Soeur Creager said that Shazi did such a good job helping them teach and bore strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. His friend, Arooj, is going to reflect on it and will hopefully come to Shazi's baptism this Saturday. As soon as he gets baptised maybe we'll just bring him to all of our RDV's with us. 8-)
For the exchange I was obviously in Luxembourg with Soeur Dawson. I love her! She's so fun and such an amazing missionary. I can't remember if I told you that she's a convert of the church, so she can really relate to these people and she is so good to always follow the spirit, she never doubts any impression she receives. Oh and the two women that Soeur Worsham and I contacted when I did my first exhange up in Luxembourg, Dora and Tina, are both getting baptised! (Well Tina actually got baptised on Saturday!) Also, I can't remember if I ever told you about Sister Pelous in Versailles. She is the wife of a member there and had been meeting with the missionaries for 3 years, and still hadn't been baptised. While I was there, we would teach her once a week, but we could never figure out what was keeping her from being baptised. We tried teaching about multiple things. I know she had never read the Book of Mormon, nor prayed to know if it was true, so that could definitely have been it. We started having to give her reading assignments and foused more on building our faith instead of baptism. Well, Soeur Murray told me that she just got baptised! I'm so happy for her and her husband and family. He's been waiting for so many years for this and now next year they will be able to be sealed as an eternal family. (Allyson, make sure Soeur Powers knows, I'm sure she taught Soeur Pelous).
We got another new amie on Wednesday, named Desir. She is from Congo, and is our ami Adrien's niece. She is stellar and understood very clearly the apostasy and restoration. At the beginning of our lesson we explained why we are here and told her that as she studies and comes to know the truth for herself she will have the desire to be baptised. She asked us, "How can someone get baptised a second time?" We told her to listen and that we would explain during the lesson. By the end of the lesson we committed her to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it's true and then we asked her if she would be baptised when she receives her answer. She said, "YES"! She didn't even have any more questions or doubts, it's amazing how, if people will just listen the spirit can testify and they can feel that our message is true. Adrien on the other hand won't listen and searches scriptures in his bible all the time trying to prove us wrong. Haha, he's so funny. He's a tough one, but maybe he'll see Desir's example.

Bisous, Soeur Reeves

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