3 Nephi 5:13

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." - 3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, March 12, 2012

week 55 - the spirit, preparation, and prayer


Comment ça va? Well, as for me we're doing good B-). The sun is out and it's warm, we have had two different season within one week. I just hope it stays this way; although it's usually pretty gray here and we get a lot of rain, not as much as Washington, but much more than California. Anyway, it was a good week except for the fact that we don't know what has happened to Raïssa. It's so bizzare because she was so amazing and everything went so well the first week and the members that drove her home from church said she loved it and had all sorts of questions. We were supposed to have a rendez-vous on Tuesday, but she wasn't there. We finally go ahold of her on Wednesday and she said that she would call us on Thursday after she did her grocery shopping. She didn't call, so we called her, but she didn't answer, so we decided to pass by. Here's where the interesting part comes. As we were walking to her house the thought came into my mind, "maybe you shouldn't go," whether something bad would have happened, or she would have been upset, or we would have gotten home late, I don't know; but, I shrugged the thought off. The closer we got to her home the more I kept feeling we shouldn't go, but I wanted so badly to see her and just figure out what's going on. Finally I thought, "at least ask Soeur Edgerly what she thinks." I stopped walking and told Soeur Edgerly how I was feeling and she told me she had been having the same exact thoughts. We turned around and as we walked away the feeling of insecurity left me. I don't know why we weren't supposed to go, but whatever the reason I'm grateful we listened to the Holy Ghost. Members have tried calling Raïssa as well, but she still hasn't replied. For right now we can only pray for her and ask the Lord what we should do.
Alexandre was supposed to come to church, but the night before he sent us a text telling us he couldn't come, but that he was still good for our RDV Sunday afternoon. When we got to his place he asked how church was and then told us he was sorry he couldn't come but that his wife is against it. He asked us what he can do for his wife to help soften her heart. We hadn't at all planned on teaching what we did, but I know because we had prepared for what we were going to teach we were inspired and given the words we should share with Alexandre. Soeur Edgerly and I both thought of the scripture 3 Nephi 18:21 and committed him to pray each day with his wife and his children. We told him we don't want to pull him away from his wife, but want to strengthen their family so that they can one day be an eternal family. We then read the Family Proclamation with him and he loved it! His wife then came in and in a very stern manner told us that she does not agree at all that her husband becomes Mormon and that he has no need to meet with us because he already knows Christ and is saved. We asked if we could explain to her why we were there, because she knows nothing about us or our message. She said no and walked back out of the room. Alexandre asked us to please pray for his wife so that next time she will at least sit down with us and we can explain things. Alexandre loves the Book of Mormon and wants so badly for his wife to accept. I know as missionaries we're asked to not have family and friends join in on special prayers or fasts, but when you pray for me can you please pray for Alexandre and his wife? I love you all and thank you for your support and prayers and I know that there is great power in prayer.

Bisous, Soeur Reeves

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