3 Nephi 5:13

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." - 3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, March 26, 2012

week 57 - miracles - people are prepared

Ma Chère famille,

Well, transfers are this week. Soeur Edgerly is going home :(. I will miss her, she has been a great companion! I'm staying here in Villeneuve D'Ascq and my new companion is Soeur Alves. She is Tahitian! So I will be speaking French 24/7! I saw her the day she came in but didn't get to talk to her. I talked to her on the phone though and she sounds very nice and happy and I've heard that she great, so I'm really excited! :D I've heard that she likes cooking a lot, I just hope I don't gain weight, ha.
Last week I had to go all the way to Colmar and back (Five hours both ways!) to do my legality because they still haven't sent my card for my titre de séjour. Don't worry I'm still legal and will be able to stay in France until the end of my mission, but it was kind of ridiculous. We were able to talk with to different women on the train though and they were both very nice. I was able to get an update on Colmar and guess what?! The Colmar Soeurs met Isabelle's dad! They were helping Isabelle and her family move when her dad stopped by and he started asking them all sorts of questions. He is now taking the lessons and was very excited about the Book of Mormon! Isn't that crazy! This whole time Isabelle hasn't gotten baptised because of her dad and now I think her dad is more interested than her! The Lord certainly answers prayers. The soeurs are also teaching France and her daughter Iris. I think I mentioned France. She was a referral from a member, but she wasn't very interested. Soeur Schott brought France's daughter, Iris to a branch activity and she loved it and asked if she could start taking the missionary lessons! I'm so glad the work is flourishing in Colmar.
For Villeneuve D'Ascq... When we were on the train on our way back from Colmar Jacqueline called us. (Our ward mission leader, Frère Derone's, neighbor). She said that she and Sary, her husband had been thinking about us and wanted to call and say hello. We thought that was very kind of the them. She then said that Sary wanted to talk to us. He got on the phone and said, "I want you to come teach me how to pray." Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was shocked! (They had told us they were no longer interested, but we had just received a Book of Mormon in Cambodian so we dropped it off anyway, and then Soeur Edgerly's friend just got home from his mission in Cambodia so she asked him to write a letter to Sary in Cambodian. When we dropped it off I guess Sary had not realized that it was addressed to him but to Soeur Edgerly, so when he read it he read it for her. After we left he re-read it and was very touched by the testimony of Soeur Edgerly's friend.) We immediately fixed a rendez-vous and they ended up inviting us and the Derones over for lunch. Frère Derone said that's a very good sign, because they hardly ever invite people over to eat. When we got to there house Sary pulled out his French and Cambodian copies of the Book of Mormon and as he was turning pages I could see he had taken all sorts of notes and he had tons of questions for us. It was so neat to see that change that has come over him the effect the Book of Mormon has had on him. He shared 1 Nephi 10:19 with us because it really touched him. It was funny because he's not sure if he'll be able to change his ways but he said he wants his children and grand-children to have the Book of Mormon in their lives. We told Sary that of course he can change and that he will receive and answer if he prays and asks God if the Book of Mormon is true. He said a very sweet prayer at the end of the lesson. Then yesterday when we were at church Sary and Jacqueline came walking in right before Relief Society and Priesthood started. We were so schocked once again! Sary wasn't sure when he would come to church, we thought maybe he would come in a few weeks, but they both came! Jacqueline said they wanted to surprise us and the Derones. They both really enjoyed church and all of the members were very welcoming and friendly.
We are going to set a baptismal date with Veronique! We asked her if she had prayed about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith and she said, "Yes." She told us that she had gotten an answer and that she knows that it is true and that's why she was happy to have us come back. We committed her to baptism and tried to fix a date, but she has to look at her work schedule to make sure she's not working the day we suggested. The spirit was so strong during the lesson and she looked so happy. She wants her husband to meet with us too, but their schedules are totally opposite at the moment. We're praying that their work schedules will change and that we will be able to meet her husband as well.
The Lord is in charge of this work and I know that he and his angels are preparing people to receive the restored gospel.

Bisous, Soeur Reeves

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