3 Nephi 5:13

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." - 3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, April 16, 2012

week 60 - service and the importance of members


Happy Birthday last week Brennan! Are you 4 or 5 now?! I still can't believe how fast all of the grandkids are growing up! We had to drop Rosita's baptismal date because she's in the hospital again. Please pray for her! In fact many of our amis are sick at the moment. We've had really cold weather lately so that might be part of it. On Thursday Evelyne and her son and daughter came with us to the Bishop's house for dinner! It was great! I was surprised she accepted the invitation to come to the home of a stranger, but I'm very glad she came. Bishop and Soeur Duez were so welcoming and the spirit is so strong in their home. We had a simple lesson about how the gospel blesses families and shared the story of the stripling warriors. We each took a turn bearing testimony of how the gospel has blessed our families and then Evelyne said she was so grateful that God had helped her get to where she is now; she has only been religious for the last 4 years. She also said that it is thanks to God that she was with us that night. Then Bishop Duez invited her family to come to church and they came! Her kids especially loved it and I was so proud of the young women for being warm and welcoming to Coralie, because I've introduced other girls to the young women, in which case they weren't at all integrated. I'm grateful we're part of such a great ward! During my mission I have seen how much of a difference it makes when the members are involved in missionary work and in working with your investigators. Missionaries are called to an area to help the members build and strengthen their ward, not do the work for them, our main purpose it to teach and prepare people for baptism, but we can't do it without the help of the members, especially if we are not united with them.
Two weeks ago we got a call from a member, soeur Tornar, in Paris whose sister, Fabienne, lives her and is in the process of moving. Soeur Tornar asked us if we could come help clean Fabienne's home. We were happy to help and shocked when Fabienne came to church the next day. Soeur Tornar is the only member in her family and she said that Fabienne had nothing against the church, but was never interested. Fabienne loved sacrament meeting and was very impressed by the church. She needed more help packing boxes and doing a final cleaning job, so with the help of our DMP and Bishop we were able to find members to come help us. The Elders and other men did all of the packing, and then Soeur Alves and I went with two other sisters to do some of the cleaning. Fabienne was so grateful at the end that she told her sister she wants to meet with the missionaries and she would love to have us stop by! Sadly she's moving the center of France but we told her that we will send the missionaries in her area. She has already looked up the address of the church where she is moving and is excited that it's not too far from her. I'm so glad that Soeur Tornar asked us to come help her sister. There are many ways we can do missionary work and touch the hearts of others. Next time you have a neighbor who is moving or needs help cleaning or painting, don't forget to involve the missionaries ;)
I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and support!

Bisous, Soeur Reeves

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